Some things had changed, not least the roofs of parts of the hotel, which on our last visit had been clay pantiles in need of repair where many Cuban Martins nested where the pantiles had blown off. These had now all been removed and in their place was now just a pantile colour painted concrete roof. The many Cuban Martins that nested here on the two roofs in the first picture had now all been displaced. Luckily there were still a few pairs nesting under the imitation pantile sheet roofing on the side of the building just above our room. So before breakfast I spent half an hour trying to get a few pictures in the rather poor early morning light.
So we picked up Douglas and Yosiel and then headed off to Soroa where we were going to be staying at the Hotel Horizontes Villa Soroa for four nights. At the Reception as we were booking in we were told that the Hotel Maria La Gorda at Guanahacabibes, which was our next hotel, had just been closed due to power cut problems and we'd need to make other arrangements. Such is Cuba! Time for a quick photo of this Pyralid moth before off to our rooms.