Coenagrionidae - Cuban Bluet Enallagma truncatum
Megaopdagrionidae - Cuban Hypolestes Hypolestes trinitatis
Protoneuridae - Orange-sided Threadtail Neoneura carnatica
Protoneuridae - Cuban Blue Threadtail Neoneura maria
Protoneuridae - Black-fronted Threadtail - Protoneura capillaris
Protoneuridae - Blue-and-orange Threadtail - Protoneura caligata
All of them are on the IUCN Red List.
We have only seen one of them before and that is Hypolestes trinitatis. I think I'm right in saying that this is the largest of the six and we have seen it a couple of times in the Alejandro de Humboldt NP in the east. The others are small and easily overlooked.
I have recently been sent some great photos by Ana Hernandez of three of these species. The pictures were all taken at Las Terrazas Nature reserve, Sierra del Rosario, Pinar del Rio province in the far west of the country. Ana monitors the communities of these three endemics there, studying the habitat characteristics, and gathering data to try to ensure that they are included in the nature reserve management plans. There is almost no insect included in the list of priorities for conservation in the nature reserves and natural parks in Cuba. Thank you Ana for allowing me to use your photos. Keep up the good work.