Nymphalidae : Limenitinae
Limenitis archippus Strecker, 1878
Limenitis archippus Strecker, 1878
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 70-88mm. Sexes similar. It can be distinguished from the three Danaus species by the black post-median line running across the hindwing.
Range: Found through most of the US as well as parts of Canada and Mexico. Over most of its range it is a Müllerian mimic with the Monarch Danaus plexippus. First noted in 1934 and then in 1965 was found to be common at Ariguanabo Lagoon, Habana province, but not subsequently. A larva was also found on this latter occasion (Hernández).
Status: A very rare straggler to Cuba.
Nectar Plants: Unknown in Cuba.
Larval Foodplants: Willows.
Range: Found through most of the US as well as parts of Canada and Mexico. Over most of its range it is a Müllerian mimic with the Monarch Danaus plexippus. First noted in 1934 and then in 1965 was found to be common at Ariguanabo Lagoon, Habana province, but not subsequently. A larva was also found on this latter occasion (Hernández).
Status: A very rare straggler to Cuba.
Nectar Plants: Unknown in Cuba.
Larval Foodplants: Willows.