Nymphalidae : Limenitinae
Adelpha iphicleola Fruhstorfer, 1915
Iphicleola Sister
Adelpha iphicleola Fruhstorfer, 1915
Iphicleola Sister
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 48-65mm. Sexes similar. The broad white transverse bar across both wings with a large orange sub-apical spot is diagnostic.
Range: Mexico south to Paraguay in S America, and only on Cuba in the West Indies.
Status: The subspecies iphimedia is endemic to Cuba. Widespread in woods and clearings throughout Cuba.
Nectar Plants: Rotten fruit and mammal dung, and also on flowers of Sapindaceae.
Larval Foodplants: Larvae have been found on Calycophyllum candidissimum though Riley also states that they occur on Gonzalagunia spicata (both Rubiaceae).
Range: Mexico south to Paraguay in S America, and only on Cuba in the West Indies.
Status: The subspecies iphimedia is endemic to Cuba. Widespread in woods and clearings throughout Cuba.
Nectar Plants: Rotten fruit and mammal dung, and also on flowers of Sapindaceae.
Larval Foodplants: Larvae have been found on Calycophyllum candidissimum though Riley also states that they occur on Gonzalagunia spicata (both Rubiaceae).
Foodplants and Habitat