Pieridae : Coliadinae
Anteos maerula (Fabricius, 1775)
Yellow-angled Sulphur
Anteos maerula (Fabricius, 1775)
Yellow-angled Sulphur
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 84-102mm. Sexes similar though females are slightly duller and they sometimes have a white form. Larger than White-angled Sulphur Anteos clorinde which, when settled, is the only confusion species. In flight however the yellow colour of the upperwings and large size are diagnostic, though beware the slightly smaller yellow Phoebis and Kricogonia species. Both sexes of A. maerula have larger and darker spots on the upperside and underside of both wings than A. clorinde.
Range: From Southern USA through Central America and the Caribbean down the west side of South America and Argentina.
Status: Found only in the far east of Cuba and at the western end and on the Isle of Pines.
Nectar Plants: Bougainvillea, Poinsettia, Caesalpinia, Bidens, Cordia, Ageratum, Antigonon leptopus and Lantana.
Larval Foodplants: Several species of Cassia and Senna including Senna atomaria and S. spectabilis.
Range: From Southern USA through Central America and the Caribbean down the west side of South America and Argentina.
Status: Found only in the far east of Cuba and at the western end and on the Isle of Pines.
Nectar Plants: Bougainvillea, Poinsettia, Caesalpinia, Bidens, Cordia, Ageratum, Antigonon leptopus and Lantana.
Larval Foodplants: Several species of Cassia and Senna including Senna atomaria and S. spectabilis.
Foodplants and Habitat