Papilionidae : Papilioninae
Neographium celadon (Lucas, 1852)
Cuban Kite Swallowtail
Neographium celadon (Lucas, 1852)
Cuban Kite Swallowtail
Previously known as: Eurytides celadon, Protographium celadon.
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 58-90mm. Sexes similar. The pale blue colouration when fresh apparently quickly fades. The large pale or bueish patch on the forewing should be sufficient to distinguish this species even in flight and it is unlike any other Cuban swallowtail though care should be taken to distinguish it from the day-flying moth Urania boisduvalii with its similar blue and black colouration.
Range: Endemic to Cuba though has apparently been recorded as strays in Florida.
Status: Widespread especially along forested seashores.
Nectar Plants: Stachytarpheta, Lantana camara, Lippia alba and Rivina humilis, Bidens pilosa and Phyla scaberrima.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown but Hernández (2004) has observed oviposition on Nectandra coriacea (Lauraceae) and Annon sp.
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 58-90mm. Sexes similar. The pale blue colouration when fresh apparently quickly fades. The large pale or bueish patch on the forewing should be sufficient to distinguish this species even in flight and it is unlike any other Cuban swallowtail though care should be taken to distinguish it from the day-flying moth Urania boisduvalii with its similar blue and black colouration.
Range: Endemic to Cuba though has apparently been recorded as strays in Florida.
Status: Widespread especially along forested seashores.
Nectar Plants: Stachytarpheta, Lantana camara, Lippia alba and Rivina humilis, Bidens pilosa and Phyla scaberrima.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown but Hernández (2004) has observed oviposition on Nectandra coriacea (Lauraceae) and Annon sp.
Confusion species: The day-flying moth Urania boisduvalii below.
Foodplants and Habitat