Lycaenidae : Polyommatinae
Leptotes cassius (Lucas, 1857)
Cassius Blue
Leptotes cassius (Lucas, 1857)
Cassius Blue
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 20-28mm. Sexually dimorphic. The most distinctive feature of the underwing of both sexes is the close barring on the forewing, a feature not shared by any other Lycaenid on Cuba. The hindwing has two blue/black ocelli narrowly edged with pale orange. The male upperside is a rather pale translucent blue through which the underwing markings show faintly. Females have pale blue forewings broadly edged with black and whitish hindwings also edged with black.
Range: Southern USA to Argentina and the West Indies.
Status: Widespread and very common throughout Cuba in coastal and open areas, gardens and roadsides.
Nectar Plants: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Bauhinia divaricata, Bidens, Lippia alba, Lantana, Tournefortia.
Larval Foodplants: Larvae feed mainly on the flowers of various legumes including lima beans but also on Malpighiaceae and Plumbaginaceae including Plumbago capensis and P. scandens. Also on the flowers of Gliricidia sepium.
Range: Southern USA to Argentina and the West Indies.
Status: Widespread and very common throughout Cuba in coastal and open areas, gardens and roadsides.
Nectar Plants: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Bauhinia divaricata, Bidens, Lippia alba, Lantana, Tournefortia.
Larval Foodplants: Larvae feed mainly on the flowers of various legumes including lima beans but also on Malpighiaceae and Plumbaginaceae including Plumbago capensis and P. scandens. Also on the flowers of Gliricidia sepium.
Foodplants and Habitat