Pieridae : Coliadinae
Eurema amelia (Poey, 1853)
Cuban Yellow
Eurema amelia (Poey, 1853)
Cuban Yellow
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 31mm. Sexes similar. White above with a large black forewing tip and black edging to the hindwing making it very like female Smudged Yellow Eurema lucina in flight but without grey smudges on the underwings.
Range: Endemic to Cuba and the Isle of Pines.
Status: Rare and local in areas of dry savanna grassland. It has been found at a locality in Pinar del Rio, from the Cienaga de Zapata and at Bellamar, Matanzas. It can be very common at Albaiza, Camagüey province in the centre of the island and has also been found on the Isla de Juventud (Smith, Miller and Miller).
Nectar Plants: Bidens and Lippia.
Larval Foodplants: Narrowpod Sensitive Pea Chamaecrista lineata (Leguminosae).
Range: Endemic to Cuba and the Isle of Pines.
Status: Rare and local in areas of dry savanna grassland. It has been found at a locality in Pinar del Rio, from the Cienaga de Zapata and at Bellamar, Matanzas. It can be very common at Albaiza, Camagüey province in the centre of the island and has also been found on the Isla de Juventud (Smith, Miller and Miller).
Nectar Plants: Bidens and Lippia.
Larval Foodplants: Narrowpod Sensitive Pea Chamaecrista lineata (Leguminosae).
Foodplants and Habitat