Hesperiidae : Pyrginae
Eantis munroei (Bell, 1956)
Munroe's Sicklewing
Eantis munroei (Bell, 1956)
Munroe's Sicklewing
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 48-50mm. Very similar to Cuban Sicklewing Eantis papinianus from which it can be distinguished by the straighter leading edge of the forewing that is also not held bowed downwards. E. munroei also completely lacks, or almost completely, the obvious falcate tip of the forewing shown by E. papinianus.
Range: Endemic to Cuba.
Status: Rare, it has been found only at Camagüey and in the far east of the island at La Gran Piedra and in the Sierra Maestra.
Nectar Plants: Unknown.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown.
Range: Endemic to Cuba.
Status: Rare, it has been found only at Camagüey and in the far east of the island at La Gran Piedra and in the Sierra Maestra.
Nectar Plants: Unknown.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown.