Lycaenidae : Theclinae
Nesiostrymon celida (Lucas, 1857)
Caribbean Hairstreak
Nesiostrymon celida (Lucas, 1857)
Caribbean Hairstreak
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 24-28mm. Sexes similar. This is the only butterfly on Cuba with a silvery underside and iridescent blue upperside with a black apical half of the forewing. There are two tails on each hindwing.
Range: Endemic to the Greater Antilles being found only on Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico.
Status: It is widespread but rare in Cuba where it has been seen in clearings in dense woods.
Nectar Plants: Senecio and Palicourea.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown.
Range: Endemic to the Greater Antilles being found only on Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico.
Status: It is widespread but rare in Cuba where it has been seen in clearings in dense woods.
Nectar Plants: Senecio and Palicourea.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown.