Pieridae : Coliadinae
Nathalis iole Boisduval, 1836
Dainty Sulphur
Nathalis iole Boisduval, 1836
Dainty Sulphur
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 22-32mm. Sexually dimorphic with females darker than males and with a greater area of orange on the under forewing. Female upper hindwings are also largely orange instead of the yellow of males. This quite a variable species.
Range: From Canada to northern South America and the Greater Antilles.
Status: Widespread and reasonably common in the west as far east as Camagüey in open areas, roadsides and clearings. Also found on the far south-east coast of Cuba.
Nectar Plants: Many flowers including Stachytarpheta, Bidens pilosa, Phyla scaberrima, Lantana and also on damp ground.
Larval Foodplants: On the mainland many small plants are used and in Cuba it has been reared on Bidens pilosa (Hernández).
Range: From Canada to northern South America and the Greater Antilles.
Status: Widespread and reasonably common in the west as far east as Camagüey in open areas, roadsides and clearings. Also found on the far south-east coast of Cuba.
Nectar Plants: Many flowers including Stachytarpheta, Bidens pilosa, Phyla scaberrima, Lantana and also on damp ground.
Larval Foodplants: On the mainland many small plants are used and in Cuba it has been reared on Bidens pilosa (Hernández).
Foodplant and Habitat