Hesperiidae : Eudaminae
Telegonus cassander (Fabricius, 1793)
Cuban Flasher
Telegonus cassander (Fabricius, 1793)
Cuban Flasher
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 60-70mm. Sexes are similar but female slightly larger. Previously known as Astraptes cassander. Wings are dark brown with no white marks and no tails, The head and thorax are covered with blue hairs. At rest it rests with wings open. Reminiscent of male Asbolis capucinus Monk Skipper but that is rather smaller, has shorter wings and the blue on the thorax is paler and browner.
Range: Endemic to Cuba.
Status: Rare. A fast flying woodland species.
Nectar Plants: Lantana, Tournefortia hirsutissima and Bourreria.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown.
Range: Endemic to Cuba.
Status: Rare. A fast flying woodland species.
Nectar Plants: Lantana, Tournefortia hirsutissima and Bourreria.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown.