Papilionidae : Papilioninae
Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758
Lime Swallowtail
Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758
Lime Swallowtail
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 80-100mm. Sexes similar. The mottled black and pale yellow pattern is diagnostic and unlike other Swallowtails. Polydamas Swallowtail Battus polydamas is the only other Swallowtail with no tails.
Range: Found throughout the Middle East, Asia, Australia and also on Hawaii. It has been found up to 7000ft in the Himalayas (Wikipedia) and is a strong flier and has great powers of dispersal. It was first discovered in the Greater Antilles in the Dominican Republic (Hispaniola), though how it got there is unknown, and from there has spread to Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Cuba.
Status: A recent colonist in Cuba first discovered in 2007 at the east end of the island. This is the nearest to Hispaniola and is therefore only a short hop across the sea to Cuba. By 2013 it had already reached the centre of the island and has since spread quickly throughout.
Nectar Plants: Has been recorded nectaring at many flower species from eleven different families, and also on damp ground.
Larval Foodplants: Citrus species especially the cultivated lime. It can be a significant pest of Citrus crops.
Range: Found throughout the Middle East, Asia, Australia and also on Hawaii. It has been found up to 7000ft in the Himalayas (Wikipedia) and is a strong flier and has great powers of dispersal. It was first discovered in the Greater Antilles in the Dominican Republic (Hispaniola), though how it got there is unknown, and from there has spread to Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Cuba.
Status: A recent colonist in Cuba first discovered in 2007 at the east end of the island. This is the nearest to Hispaniola and is therefore only a short hop across the sea to Cuba. By 2013 it had already reached the centre of the island and has since spread quickly throughout.
Nectar Plants: Has been recorded nectaring at many flower species from eleven different families, and also on damp ground.
Larval Foodplants: Citrus species especially the cultivated lime. It can be a significant pest of Citrus crops.
Foodplants and Habitat