Pieridae : Coliadinae
Pyrisitia proterpia (Fabricius, 1775)
Tailed Orange
Pyrisitia proterpia (Fabricius, 1775)
Tailed Orange
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 42-52mm. Sexually dimorphic. Black on the male upperwing is a broad even band along the costa while females have extensive black on the apex of the wing but just a narrow black line on the basal half of the costa. In overall appearance it is similar in size and markings to Sleepy Orange Abaeis nicippe with its orange and black colouration but the distinctive angular shape of the hindwing is diagnostic though note that Boisduval's Yellow Eurema boisduvaliana also has angular hindwings but is much smaller and is pale yellow and black.
Range: Southern USA to Brazil and Jamaica, Cuba and Hispaniola in the West Indies.
Status: Rare in Cuba and found in open areas only at the eastern end and on the Isla de Juventud.
Nectar Plants: Bidens and Tournefortia and also takes moisture on damp ground.
Larval Foodplants: Desmodium canum (Fabaceae) and Chamaecrista nictitans.
Range: Southern USA to Brazil and Jamaica, Cuba and Hispaniola in the West Indies.
Status: Rare in Cuba and found in open areas only at the eastern end and on the Isla de Juventud.
Nectar Plants: Bidens and Tournefortia and also takes moisture on damp ground.
Larval Foodplants: Desmodium canum (Fabaceae) and Chamaecrista nictitans.
Foodplants and Habitat