Hesperiidae : Hesperiinae
Lerodea eufala (Edwards, 1869)
Eufala Skipper
Lerodea eufala (Edwards, 1869)
Eufala Skipper
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 28-31mm. Sexes similar. Superficially resembles Three-spotted Skipper Cymaenes tripunctus but the colour of the wings and body is much paler and the antennae are less than half of the length of the forewing whereas on C. tripunctus they are more than 2/3 the length of the forewing.
Range: From southern USA south to Argentina
Status: Local in Cuba preferring very dry areas.
Nectar Plants: Bidens alba, Stachytarpheta.
Larval Foodplants: Grasses (Gramineae).
Range: From southern USA south to Argentina
Status: Local in Cuba preferring very dry areas.
Nectar Plants: Bidens alba, Stachytarpheta.
Larval Foodplants: Grasses (Gramineae).
Foodplants and Habitat