Pieridae : Pierinae
Ganyra menciae (Ramsden, 1915)
Cuban White
Ganyra menciae (Ramsden, 1915)
Cuban White
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 62-72mm. Difficult to tell from Great Southern White Ascia monuste and Florida White Glutophrissa drusilla in flight but when it settles it shows the distinctive plain cream coloured underside of the hindwing and forewing tip and unmarked satin white upperwings with sometimes a grey wingtip and edging.
Range: Cuba, St Lucia and Venezuela.
Status: Scarce in Cuba though commoner in the east.
Nectar Plants: Prefers the flowers of shrubs and trees such as Bauhinia.
Larval Foodplants: Capparis cynophallophora (Capparaceae). Eggs are laid on the upper surface of the leaf in the shade.
Range: Cuba, St Lucia and Venezuela.
Status: Scarce in Cuba though commoner in the east.
Nectar Plants: Prefers the flowers of shrubs and trees such as Bauhinia.
Larval Foodplants: Capparis cynophallophora (Capparaceae). Eggs are laid on the upper surface of the leaf in the shade.
Foodplant and Habitat