Pieridae : Pierinae
Pontia protodice (Boisduval & Leconte, 1833)
Checkered White
Pontia protodice (Boisduval & Leconte, 1833)
Checkered White
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 44-56mm. Sexually dimorphic. The black and white pattern of both males and females is quite different from any other Cuban butterfly so identification should be straightforward.
Range: Found from southern Canada south to Mexico. On the mainland it is a notable migrant.
Status: It has long been known as rare straggler to Cuba and is not thought to be a resident, though in summer 1971 it was found in abundance at Santiago de las Vegas, Habana province (Hernández, 2004).
Nectar Plants: Bidens and Tournefortia.
Larval Foodplants: The larval hostplants include mainly Cruciferae especially Brassica.
Range: Found from southern Canada south to Mexico. On the mainland it is a notable migrant.
Status: It has long been known as rare straggler to Cuba and is not thought to be a resident, though in summer 1971 it was found in abundance at Santiago de las Vegas, Habana province (Hernández, 2004).
Nectar Plants: Bidens and Tournefortia.
Larval Foodplants: The larval hostplants include mainly Cruciferae especially Brassica.