Nymphalidae : Nymphalinae
Junonia neildi Brévignon, 2004
Mangrove Buckeye
Junonia neildi Brévignon, 2004
Mangrove Buckeye
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 55-63mm. Sexes similar. The three species of Junonia are quite similar and there has been (and still is) considerable confusion due to the different criteria given in different publications and websites of the distinguishing features. Melanie Lalonde (University of Manitoba) has however recently clarified the taxonomy of the Junonia species in North America in her MSc thesis (Lalonde, M. M. L. 2016) using molecular and morphological data. Tropical Buckeye has been reassigned as Junonia zonalis, and Mangrove Buckeye has been reassigned as Junonia neildi.
In Cuba distinguishing the three Junonia species is actually quite simple. In flight Mangrove Buckeye J. neildi appears all reddish-brown and looks very different from the other two species which show a very obvious broad creamy-white post-median band on the upper forewing.
Range: Central and northern South America and the West Indies.
Status: Its true status is not clear due to past confusion over taxonomy but it certainly occurs in numbers at Zapata Swamp in the west and around Guardalavaca and Yateritas in the east. It may in time be shown to be widespread around the coast wherever the foodplant Black Mangrove grows. It has also been seen inland at Camagüey in the centre of the island.
Nectar Plants: Stachytarpheta.
Larval Foodplants: Small plants of Black Mangrove Avicennia germinans.
In Cuba distinguishing the three Junonia species is actually quite simple. In flight Mangrove Buckeye J. neildi appears all reddish-brown and looks very different from the other two species which show a very obvious broad creamy-white post-median band on the upper forewing.
Range: Central and northern South America and the West Indies.
Status: Its true status is not clear due to past confusion over taxonomy but it certainly occurs in numbers at Zapata Swamp in the west and around Guardalavaca and Yateritas in the east. It may in time be shown to be widespread around the coast wherever the foodplant Black Mangrove grows. It has also been seen inland at Camagüey in the centre of the island.
Nectar Plants: Stachytarpheta.
Larval Foodplants: Small plants of Black Mangrove Avicennia germinans.
Foodplants and Habitat