Pieridae : Coliadinae
Eurema lucina (Poey, 1853)
Smudged Yellow
Eurema lucina (Poey, 1853)
Smudged Yellow
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 22-35mm. Sexually dimorphic. There are two colour forms, white and yellow, which do not appear to be linked to season or sex. The pale yellow area with a grey smudge at the tip of the hindwing underside is diagnostic.
Range: Endemic to Cuba.
Status: Scarce though said to be commoner at the western end (Hernandez). We have found it to be the commonest Pierid around Guardalavaca in November and December.
Nectar Plants: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Bidens pilosa, Lippia alba.
Larval Foodplants: Stylosanthes sp (Leguminosae).
Range: Endemic to Cuba.
Status: Scarce though said to be commoner at the western end (Hernandez). We have found it to be the commonest Pierid around Guardalavaca in November and December.
Nectar Plants: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Bidens pilosa, Lippia alba.
Larval Foodplants: Stylosanthes sp (Leguminosae).
Foodplants and Habitat