Hesperiidae : Hesperiinae
Calpodes ethlius (Stoll, 1782)
Canna Skipper
Calpodes ethlius (Stoll, 1782)
Canna Skipper
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 50-58mm. Sexes similar. The pattern of white spots on the forewing is very similar to Corrupt Skipper Panoquina corrupta but that has otherwise all brown forewings and lacks the rufous areas at the base and the blue scaling on head and thorax. The underside of C. ethlius looks similar to Monk Skipper Asbolis capucinus but has four pale dots on the hindwing.
Range: Southern USA to Argentina and the West Indies.
Status: Uncommon in gardens and parks on Cuba but perhaps overlooked due to its crepuscular habits flying mainly at dawn and in the evening.
Nectar Plants: Canna and Lantana.
Larval Foodplants: Mainly on the underside of the leaves of ornamental Canna sp. and Thalia geniculata.
Range: Southern USA to Argentina and the West Indies.
Status: Uncommon in gardens and parks on Cuba but perhaps overlooked due to its crepuscular habits flying mainly at dawn and in the evening.
Nectar Plants: Canna and Lantana.
Larval Foodplants: Mainly on the underside of the leaves of ornamental Canna sp. and Thalia geniculata.