Nymphalidae : Nymphalinae
Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758)
Painted Lady
Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758)
Painted Lady
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 60-74mm. Sexes similar. The only similar species is American Lady Vanessa virginiensis but it is rather larger and has four ocelli on the underside of the hindwing rather than two. On the upperside the pinkish background colour is subtly different to virginiensis and the row of sub-terminal spots are smaller and separated.
Range: This is a primarily strongly migratory Palaearctic species that does however occur in small numbers in the Americas and West Indies. In the Americas some populations are also migratory.
Status: In Cuba it is said to have permanent and resident populations in the mountains of the east and central Cuba (Hernandez) but it has also been seen on the Guanahacabibes Peninsular which may be migrants from the continent.
Nectar Plants: Flowers of thistles Cirsium amongst others.
Larval Foodplants: Eggs are laid at the tips of leaves of thistles (Cirsium) and the larvae live communally in a silken web at first and then singly.
Range: This is a primarily strongly migratory Palaearctic species that does however occur in small numbers in the Americas and West Indies. In the Americas some populations are also migratory.
Status: In Cuba it is said to have permanent and resident populations in the mountains of the east and central Cuba (Hernandez) but it has also been seen on the Guanahacabibes Peninsular which may be migrants from the continent.
Nectar Plants: Flowers of thistles Cirsium amongst others.
Larval Foodplants: Eggs are laid at the tips of leaves of thistles (Cirsium) and the larvae live communally in a silken web at first and then singly.