Lycaenidae : Theclinae
Allosmaitia coelebs (Herrich-Schäffer, 1862)
Cuban Hairstreak
Allosmaitia coelebs (Herrich-Schäffer, 1862)
Cuban Hairstreak
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 32-40mm. Sexes similar. Like other hairstreaks it rarely if ever holds its wings open. The most likely confusion species when seen settled is Fulvous Hairstreak Electrostrymon angelia as this also has a separate white spot at the end of dotted white cross-line on the hindwing. E. angelia however has a large black spot behind the orange patch that is missing on A. coelebs.
Range: Endemic to the West Indies being found only on Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. The subspecies coelebs is endemic to Cuba.
Status: Widespread in Cuba though rare, and perhaps commoner in the east.
Nectar Plants: Gouania polygama, Varronia globosa and Lantana.
Larval Foodplants: Byrsonima crassifolia, Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum and S. tomentosum (Hernández) (Malpighiaceae) and it may also use other Stigmaphyllon.
Range: Endemic to the West Indies being found only on Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. The subspecies coelebs is endemic to Cuba.
Status: Widespread in Cuba though rare, and perhaps commoner in the east.
Nectar Plants: Gouania polygama, Varronia globosa and Lantana.
Larval Foodplants: Byrsonima crassifolia, Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum and S. tomentosum (Hernández) (Malpighiaceae) and it may also use other Stigmaphyllon.
Foodplants and Habitat