Nymphalidae : Biblidinae
Hamadryas feronia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Variable Cracker
Hamadryas feronia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Variable Cracker
Description and Similar Species: Wingspan 62-76mm. Sexes similar. This species is very similar to Gray Cracker Hamadryas februa from which it is distinguished by little or no red on the eyespots of the upper hindwing and a generally bluer appearance on the upperside. It also has a red S near the costa on both sides of the forewing, but as the name suggests they are variable!
Range: Found in Central and South America with strays venturing as far north as Texas in the USA.
Status: A rare straggler to Cuba and wanderers have occasionally turned up here and on other islands in the West Indies.
Nectar Plants: Unknown in Cuba.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown in Cuba but on the mainland the foodplant is Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae).
Range: Found in Central and South America with strays venturing as far north as Texas in the USA.
Status: A rare straggler to Cuba and wanderers have occasionally turned up here and on other islands in the West Indies.
Nectar Plants: Unknown in Cuba.
Larval Foodplants: Unknown in Cuba but on the mainland the foodplant is Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae).