We are just back from another great wildlife trip to Cuba. I caught up on four new butterfly species as adults. These were Cuban Hairstreak Allosmaitia coelebs, Caribbean Ruby-eye Perichares philetes, Orbis Sulphur Phoebis orbis and Caribbean Yellow-tipped Flasher Astraptes anausis. For the last two this is possibly the first time they have been photographed in the wild in Cuba! We also saw Bartram’s Scrub-Hairstreak Strymon acis and had amazing close-up views of Silver Emperor Doxocopa laure and Red-striped Leafwing Siderone galanthis. Going during the summer meant that we saw some beautiful Odonata including several new for the website. I had never seen Northern Bobwhite before so seeing two in Habana Botanical Gardens was a nice surprise. And although we have seen Antillean Nighthawk on previous trips, this time we saw them every day and quickly became familiar with their querequeté call. I’ve long had a soft spot for swifts and it was great to find Antillean Palm Swifts nesting in natural sites in palms and also in the thatched roofs of one of the hotels at which we stayed. All that with some wonderful reptiles - snakes, anoles and sphaeros, along with some good mothing, great company and the lovely Cuban people.
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November 2024
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