Lynn recalls one of the many conversations with Douglas about good photographs and how people are generally quick to assume a good photo comes from an expensive camera. This led Douglas to quote from the story of The Little Prince and also refer to the thoughts of the Cuban photographer Alberto Korda famed for his photos of Che Guevara. Interesting I found a wonderful synopsis of this on the web site ......
'Korda's advice to aspiring young photographers: "Forget the camera, forget the lens, forget all of that. With any four-dollar camera, you can capture the best picture." He believed in the passion behind the photographer, not the camera that the photographer had. He was also quite fond of the French writer Antoine de Saint Exupery, and often paraphrased a quote of his from The Little Prince: “You can only see with your heart. That which is essential is invisible to the eye.” '
During our 15 day trip around Cuba we were well practiced at viewing the butterflies and other wildlife with our hearts and hope the resulting photos will reach your hearts too.